Friday, August 27, 2010

WHOOPS! Time Change for OGA Social Group!

Sorry folks. Need to read my emails more carefully.
THIS SUNDAY's OGA Social Group is from 10AM-12PM,
NOT from 9AM-11AM. The new earlier time will not start until September.
Sorry, folks.


  1. I'm sorry that I missed the last OGA social group. I've only been to one, but I can say that I felt amazing afterwards. It's nice to see other children like my little Ellie and to meet and talk with the wonderful parents who share simialar experiences and are a fountain of information for a newbie like myself. I would LOVE to find a group on the East side of Portland. Is there any way we can get this going?

  2. I am hoping to make some contacts this year to get this going. I am hoping to talk to Ms. Holly about using the Edwards facility before they shutter it this spring as a temporary home. Maybe create a game/play/social morning.
