Sunday, October 3, 2010

Special Education PTA

How is it that I did not know that there was a PTA for families in Special Education here in Portland? I have been in the system for 4 years now, why did it take a trip to the Youth Games IN BEAVERTON yesterday to discover this?

I am glad, but still annoyed by how disconnected things are. Crud. Link to the right.


  1. K,
    I know this feeling. It took five months of special appointments before I found out about EI! It was a receptionist who told me. I was really bummed.
    When I have an extra moment, I will send you a couple other things for your side bar.

  2. My family and I just moved to Portland from Tacoma. My 17 year old has had an IEP since first grade. In Tacoma he had a one-on-one Para and had finally come to a good place in school so it was a shame we had to move.

    We just had our first IEP meeting with PPS. It was condescending and insulting. They refuse to honor his IEP from WA. They say, "We just don't use one-on-one Paras in OR." They're trying to force us to put him in the wrong educational environment.

    Do you have any advise on who I can contact for help? This district is bullying us. Being new to this area I don't have any resources.

    P.S. I don't trust any advocate or organization associated with the district. I also don't have a lot of time. They want us to enroll him in the new school on Thursday.

    1. Hi Lisa! I'm so sorry PPS is turning into a nightmare for you and your son. It's so hard to have all your hard fought progress be shattered by such a massive wall of resistance. My experience with IEP's at the HS level is nil, but I have plugged your question into a very good network of Portland Metro moms and a getting some responses. If you have a chance, go on Facebook and find a group called Westside Autism Moms and request to join. This is a group of moms from all over Portland, Beaverton and Hillsboro who connect and share. I'm getting information about a Dr. Arnold who is quite effective, and from another mom, this: "Have her call FACT for IEP assistance: 1-888-988-3228. FACT is not affiliated with any school district. DRO may be able to help for free legal advice (; she could also go to a private SPED attorney who would write a strongly-worded letter to the district.

    2. From another WAM mom...
      "We have one-on-one aide in PPS in gen ed setting. It was not written into our IEP (PPS told us it can't be done) but our SPED lawyer says they were lying and they can definitely specify it on the IEP."

      And I agree. At Alameda, I know of 4 kids who have been assigned one on one paras, and mainly because their parents called in the heavy guns to have it done.
