Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Almost Back to Normal (Normal for Us, Anyway)

Miss O started school again this week. I can't really comment on it just yet since it is only day 2, but O was less then pleased to be dropped off. I left her clinging to Miss Amanda. I have no doubt she will be fine - she is just P.O.'d that yesterday wasn't just a random event.

After drop off, I went and had coffee on Belmont with D's mom, Susie. As is usual when I have only had coffee and one 6 day old powdered donut for breakfast, my conversation was all over the place. But we did discuss the subject of Expectations, especially with the new preschool.

Now, to be clear, Sunnyside Sensory Preschool is focused on advancing social skills. That is what it is billed as, it is why the kids were selected to go there. But if you have looked at my previous posts, you know I am starting to worry that we are not doing enough (in EI, in private preschools, at home), to prepare these kids for Kindergarten. Susie shared this concern, as well as wanting to know more about what the students are doing in school, what they are learning and what they need to work on more.


Just got a call from Miss Amanda. The Drama Queen I dropped off is fine now, playing in the garden with the sad October tomatoes.

So happy.

So your assignment today, all of our friends who are in Kindergarten now or in a new EI program, is what do you like/dislike about it? Does it meet your expectations? Does it disappoint?


  1. Hi Gals,

    T's MECP is a good match for her, I think. The group is small in numbers, and with a teacher, two aides, and three specialists, I know that T is well cared for. T enjoys many of the activities and she loves going to circle, where games are played and turns are taken. There is also a solid amount of time for exploratory play, which gives it a nice balance.

    I would say that a lot of the program is social development, which I think is huge. Yes, the kids are exposed to the alphabet through puzzles and activities. Yes, they have stories read to them. Yes, students are shown how to do an activity and then they go to a table and (with support) try it themselves. I do not think T's regulatory system would have allowed her to work well in this class last year, but who knows.

    I think one thing that is helpful for T, with all the motor planning challenges she has, is that she is being given a clear picture of how to do s-thing (fun and interesting) with the guidance and support that she needs. When left to her own devices too much, she can get stuck in a repetitive play pattern. (And some recent supplements are also helping with her anxiety.)

    The one issue I have with the program is that the elementary school has no grass in their outdoor play area. There is a great play structure and a whole lot of blacktop. Yuck. So we go to the park after class.

    I like that the children hold hands as they walk in the hall. It's sweet and Tessa's is more interested in holding hands now.

    Honestly, my biggest indicator that this is a good program is that Tessa wants to be there.

  2. Hi there - just wanted to write and say I finally checked your blog, and LOVE it. I am so torn about what will be best to prepare Dashiell for kindergarten, and whether we ought to hold him back a year. I seem to switch my mind every month or so. Talked to a parent today about kindergarten at Sunnyside and it sounded like more of an extension of preschool - with most lessons on the floor on mats, and 3 recesses. That might be just fine, who knows?

    Anyhow, Dashiell loves preschool and is engaging socially there. My main hope is that by being in the small setting with the same 4 other kids, he'll figure out why engaging socially is worth it, and start to work on doing that more. Like when he finally decided that responding to questions was often worth it.

    So, for now, I think its a good indicator that Dashiell wants to be at preschool too.
