Tuesday, May 17, 2011

SEPTAP Meeting Tonight, and the Rumor Mill is in Over-Production

Tonight is the last SEPTAP meeting for the 2010/2011 school year, and true to form, the rumor mill is spinning like crazy. Oh, to be fair, it is an environment created by the tight-lipped culture of PPS in this time of flux. Budget cuts, changes in programs, and shifting staff does not lead to an open environment for the Powers-That-Be, and they know that whatever decided, someone (let's be honest, multiple someones) will not be happy.

I won't fan the flames here, but I can almost gurantee this little tid-bit - nothing will be confirmed by the speaker tonight. Simply, even PPS won't know for sure on any thing until this summer, and the information wont be shared with families until, say, August. History is the model here.

So a moment to kevtch. And a point this girl will be making tonight. These are kids with a lot of transitional issues. We as parents do our best to prepare them for this, and the more time they give us to do so the better. Telling us 3 weeks before school is NOT enough time. Decisions need to be made, plans need to be changed, and IEP's might need to be updated (dammit!).

ENOUGH. Update tomorrow. And I will be posting the a resurrection of the SEPTAP (Special Education PTA of Portland) Newsletter to all interested parties starting next week (and coming out every month, summers included).

Oh, Kevtch #2: Did anyone else know that NIKE sponsored an Autism Sports Day last Sunday at their campus? How is this information not posted on the ASO or Autism Speakes websites?! Made a note of it for next spring, will make sure way more people know...

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