Now I have read a few books on ASD (heh, a FEW). One of the reoccurring themes is how honest the child is, how the concept of lying is totally foreign to the average Autistic Child.
Yeah yeah. Does that mean that Isaac is really not ASD? Is Doc. G right with the re-dx? 'Cause MY child is just full of sh*t these days. I mean, seriously need some hip-waders.
Now, just like any other child, when in trouble and cornered, he would occasionally eliminate a few facts. He would tell us what happened but skillfully delete the part where he pushed his cousin, etc. This started a few years ago, maybe around 5, and was rare. But the last few weeks, for whatever the reason, it has been coming fast and furious. And not only when in trouble, but just in the retelling of his day at school, to show off to friends, even talking with his therapists. I need a canister of Morton's Salt anytime he talks to me (a grain just isn't gonna cover it!).
Of all of Isaac's phases so far in life, this is the one I can identify with. Let me explain. I was a military brat for the first 8 years of life. There was a fair amount of shifting and moving, but when on base, it was ok - I was not alone. Then my parents split up and I started a new school full of kids who had known each other all of their lives, it was tough. To top it off, I was shy, insecure, and pretty funny looking with giant owl-sized blue glasses and frizzy hair.
So, I elaborated a bit, thinking that it would make me more interesting. This continued for a few years, actually, and with the obvious result that in the end, none of my new friends could believe half of what I said. Not a solid social skill. And one that Isaac has adopted. Just like this former Army-Brat, he has shifted about in schools - he is currently in his 4th school since Kindergarten (he's in 2nd grade now).
I don't want him to repeat my mistakes (well, not all of them). So I have to think how to approach this. Telling his that honesty will not get him in as much trouble as lies is one, of course. Or that his friends will doubt his tales. What else should I say?
Oh THAT'S right - I have a team now. Calling Dr. G and his Social Skills teacher, Ms. D and setting up an appointment. David and I don't have to do this alone. We are not re-creating the wheel every time there is a challenge.
Will keep you posted.
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